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State of Sales Enablement 2020: The  Impact of COVID-19 on Sales


Adapting to the New Normal: Sales Enablement Insights Amidst COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to sales teams worldwide, fundamentally altering how they operate. With social distancing and remote work becoming the norm, traditional sales methods have been disrupted, necessitating a swift transition to digital strategies. This report delves into the impact of COVID-19 on sales enablement, exploring the adaptations and strategies businesses have adopted to maintain productivity and meet sales targets in a remote environment. Gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape and learn how to navigate these changes effectively.

Key Insights:

  • A centralized content repository is crucial for remote sales operations.

  • Sales teams report a slower rate of progress compared to normal circumstances.

  • 88% of organizations rely more on emails and phone calls for prospecting post-lockdown.

  • 71% of businesses use continuous coaching to ensure the effectiveness of virtual training and onboarding.

  • Increased reliance on video calls has become a staple in remote selling.

Stay ahead in the new sales environment. Download the "State of Sales Enablement 2020" report now to discover how leading organizations are adapting to the challenges posed by COVID-19. Secure your free copy today and transform your sales approach!

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